
quasi-fermi level造句

"quasi-fermi level"是什么意思   


  1. Because quasi - fermi levels of a laser diode ( ld ) vary with the carrier density , it is predicted that a new type of hysteresis loop should occur for the current passing ld while a hysteresis loop appears on the power - frequency curve of the ecld . an explicit analytical expression for the frequency width of the hysteresis loop and the condition for the formation of the hysreresis loop has been deduced
    预测了由于半导体激光二极管( ld )的准费米能级之差随ld内线流子密度的变化而变化,因而,在调谐外腔半导体激光器的输出功率?振荡频率曲线上出现双稳环的时候,通过ld的电流也应出现一个伴随的新型双稳环? ?电流双稳环。
  2. It's difficult to find quasi-fermi level in a sentence. 用quasi-fermi level造句挺难的


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  6. "quasi-fermi levels"造句
  7. "quasi-government organization"造句
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  10. "quasi-historical"造句

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